Dr Patch Adams is a medical doctor. He is considered to be the father of clown doctors. He was a psychiatric patient and was hospitalized a mental hospital. He saved a man who is scared by hallucinatory a squirrel and noticed joy that saving someone. After he left hospital, He entered college and learned about medical science. Then he became medical doctor. He thinks Laughter is the best medicine, so he sets patients laughing with his joke and cure patients of their disease. Why does he think laughter is the best medicine? What does he do to set the patients laughing? Click on the link to see who Patch Adams is.
When I watched this video for the first time, I roared with laughter. This video’s content is that two foreign young men nod their head violently and do lip sync to music. It’s funny what they can do with their face. I don’t know who they are, but think that they have very good sense of humor. They should be comedians. Find out what happens by clicking on this link.